Thursday, February 25, 2010

Let Americans Sue Their Doctor — But NOT Their Government…

Senator Durbin is speaking now about the need for “accountability” against doctors and hospitals by allowing lawsuits.  Yet the bill Senator Durbin supports allows no such “accountability” against government bureaucrats for arbitrary and capricious decisions denying patients coverage.  The language below, from the section on the Senate bill’s new Independent Payment Advisory Board (pages 1013), shows how Washington bureaucrats would have virtually carte blanche authority to re-write Medicare law and regulations – without any redress for patients harmed by their actions.  If Democrats love allowing lawsuits so much, why won’t they let individuals sue the new government bureaucracies created in their bill?


‘‘(5) LIMITATION ON REVIEW.—There shall be no administrative or judicial review under section 1869, section 1878, or otherwise of the implementation by the Secretary under this subsection of the recommendations contained in a proposal.