Thursday, March 18, 2010

Health “Reform” By the Numbers: $1,200,000,000,000


Spending in Senate health care and reconciliation bills during Fiscal Years 2010-2019, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates: $940 billion in health insurance subsidies, $93.9 billion in other mandatory health spending included in H.R. 3590 as passed by the Senate, $50.3 billion in other mandatory health spending in H.R. 4872 (reconciliation measure), $41.6 billion in mandatory education spending in H.R. 4872, and at least $70 billion in discretionary spending in H.R. 3590.*

*Note that the above figures do NOT include the first ten years of full implementation (i.e. 2014-2023), where spending would be much higher – at least $2.3 trillion.  Note also that the Senate Budget Committee has released an analysis showing discretionary appropriations under H.R. 3590 could total as much as $114 billion.


Total Spending
Subsidies 940
Other mandatory spending in Senate HC bill 93.9
Other mandatory HC spending in recon bill 50.3
Mandatory education spending in recon bill 41.6
Discretionary spending in Senate HC bill 70
TOTAL 1195.8