169,000 Jobs Short…
While it’s welcome news that the economy created jobs last month, it’s worth putting it in context. Not only do the jobs figures reflect a temporary bump in hiring of short-term government bureaucrats for this decade’s census, but they also fall far short of the number of jobs Democrats themselves promised during the health care debate. In her opening statement at the White House summit, Speaker Pelosi noted that passage of the health care bill “will create 4 million jobs – 400,000 jobs almost immediately.” But today’s jobs figures for April show that the private sector created only 231,000 jobs during the month – meaning that this month’s employment figures miss Democrats’ own mark for job creation by nearly half. And job growth within the health care sector actually declined from March to April by 16,000 workers, according to the BLS survey.
Of course, it’s hard to argue that any legislation imposing over half a trillion dollars in tax increases will create jobs in the first place. In other words, the Speaker – having taken her own advice that “we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it” – may well find that passing a $2.6 trillion government takeover of health care will kill jobs, rather than create them.