NFIB to Challenge Health Care Law
The Associated Press this morning reports that the National Federation of Independent Business will announce today it is joining the legal challenge mounted by 20 state attorneys general to the Democrat health care law. The fact that an organization representing 350,000 small businesses will join the state lawsuits represents one measure of the law’s continued unpopularity. But more importantly, the NFIB’s action demonstrates the depth of the harm which this legislation will impose on businesses large and small across the country, imposing massive new taxes, fees, and regulations that will raise costs for businesses, and force many to drop their current health care offerings.
Prior to the bill’s passage, Democrats claimed that enacting the legislation would create up to four million jobs—just as they promised the “stimulus” would keep unemployment from rising above 8%. Now the voice of America’s small businesses—the engine of job creation—have confirmed that the law will destroy their ability to create jobs and advance the cause of economic prosperity. Only one question remains: When will Democrats finally admit the scope of the damage inflicted on the economy by their $2.6 trillion government takeover of health care?