Wednesday, December 14, 2011

“The Game of Obamacare”

A liberal advocacy group in Colorado called Thanks Obamacare today released a website called “The Game of Obamacare.”  The game takes players through a series of life events, and at various points they can choose to go “With Obamacare” or “Without Obamacare.”  Those who choose Obamacare gain points on their “happiness meter,” whereas those who go without Obamacare lose points on their “happiness meter.”  (And just for the record, no, I’m not making this up – you CAN’T make this stuff up.)

Below however are some scenes that more accurately portray Obamacare, which you won’t find in the online version of the game:

  • You can’t afford health insurance, but the government has forced you to buy it anyway.  Go directly to the IRS*, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.  In fact, pay the government (at least) $695.
  • You want to get an Obamacare waiver to be allowed to keep your existing health plan.  But the Administration only looks favorably on waiver requests coming from union plans.  Lose your turn – and your health coverage.
  • You’re a high-priced Washington lobbyist who’s just made a “rock-solid deal” behind closed doors with Democrats.  Sure, your backroom deal will raise premiums for seniors, but it will guarantee Pharma companies a huge windfall.  Bank error in your favor – collect $11.6 million.
  • You’re a struggling middle-class family looking forward to Obamacare lowering premiums by $2,500 per family.  But because Obamacare will actually RAISE individual insurance premiums, you owe the banker $2,100.  Pay up.
  • You’re a media executive who wants to televise the negotiations surrounding Obamacare.  But the Administration is insistent on negotiating behind closed doors.  Wait your turn until a new Administration actually keeps its promises on transparency.
  • You followed Speaker Pelosi’s advice and quit your job to go “be creative,” knowing taxpayers will fund your health coverage.  Collect $500 from every player to finance your health care – and your music career.
  • You’re an employee at a Chinese sovereign debt fund.  You’ll be bankrolling all of Obamacare’s new spending, which America will eventually need to pay back.  On your next turn, collect $2.6 trillion from your fellow players – that is, if they don’t go bankrupt before you can do so.

Unfortunately, however, Obamacare is NOT a game.  For the many families and businesses harmed by the law’s many tax increases, mandates, and regulations, the law will prove all too real.  And no amount of marketing, no matter how clever, gimmicky, or far-fetched, can ignore that fact.


* We would of course be inaccurate to say “Go Directly to Jail,” because we all know that the mandate is “absolutely” not a tax increase.